Intent: what are we trying to achieve with our Science curriculum?
We want to build on the children’s natural curiosity and ensure that our Science curriculum engages ALL pupils and enables ALL pupils to succeed. We aim to support children to discover the importance of science in their everyday lives and its significance in the world. Through our inspiring Science curriculum, we want children to engage in science beyond the classroom. Exploring concepts at home, engaging in clubs and visiting scientific places of interest. We utilise our outdoor spaces within our curriculum to develop a respect for our environment. We want to encourage pupils to believe that science can be a future career option.
Implementation: how is our curriculum delivered?
Children are fully engaged and enjoy their learning through an approach of active, hands-on investigations and the freedom to talk about their discoveries.
Children use focused scientific skills:
- Asking questions;
- Making predictions;
- Testing;
- Observing and measuring;
- Recording data;
- Interpreting and communicating results;
- Evaluating.
Adult questioning develops higher order thinking skills.
A creative approach to lesson planning presents pupils with fun and inspires awe.
Children have the opportunity to use a variety of engaging scientific equipment.
Opportunities are built-in for children to ask questions, to explore ideas and to discuss and learn from each other’s experiences in class.
Children learn from real life experience and from opportunities created in school, and are encouraged to draw links between them.
Science learning reflects historical accomplishments, current and topical affairs.
Children follow a clear progression of skills and knowledge based on the National Curriculum.
Children access focused opportunities for outdoor learning.
Impact of our curriculum: how do we know?
Children are keen, enthusiastic and motivated in their Science lessons. We gather evidence of progress and attainment through speaking to children, looking in books and informal end of topic assessments. Children are assessed against the National Curriculum expectations for Science, and their ability to confidently explain scientific concepts and apply scientific skills.