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School Parliament

Each class has two democratically elected members of the School Parliament to represent them.  School Parliament meets termly.

At Twydall we encourage children to have a voice and take an active role in school decisions and actions.  This means the children can develop their responsibility, articulacy, and develop those skills which will help them on their learning journey to being positive and valuable members of society.  Our School Parliament are an integral part of our school. 

Democracy is one of the fundamental British Values so we aim to make the elections of our School Parliament as real as we can.  The candidates deliver manifestos to their classes and then all the children go to the polling station, into a booth and put their votes in the ballot boxes.

 Children take pride in being elected and take their role very seriously.  They understand that they can take the school forward and that they are the voice of the pupils.   The areas of the school they consider are:






Already this year the children have come up the following ideas:

  • To remind children to walk in corridors by designing posters
  • Continuing to supply fresh fruit on a daily basis at break time
  • Working with the school’s caterers to design ‘theme’ days and explore the idea of ‘seconds’ being available!
  • Developing a quiet area on the playground for those children who like to read at break and lunchtime.
  • Running a book stall/preloved toy stall to help parents/carers who are finding things difficult financially.

The School Parliament also help organise and run charity events and days such as ‘Children in Need’ and the Poppy Appeal.